Planning Tools and Incentives
Areas Outside (primarily west) of the Eastward Ho! Study Area
Urban Development Boundary: a boundary to distinguish the area where urban development may occur during a specified planning horizon.
Transfer of Development Rights: a system which takes some of the content of the bundle of rights for one piece of property and transfers it to another piece of property.
Purchase of Development Rights: a technique which allows control of the land without retaining all the responsibilities of full management and ownership.
Tiered Impact Fee System (potential): a system to reflect the full cost of western development compared with that of the eastern development.
Areas within the Eastward Ho! Study Area
Planning Tools
Visioning/Charette: a planning process to create a shared and desired future for a community.
Consistency of State/Regional/local Plans and Land Development Regulations
Public Sector Development Initiatives
Public Entrepreneurship: involves public sector's activities in assembly and conveyance of land along with possible fiscal incentives for private investment.
Land Banking: the purchase of land by a governmental entity with the intent of controlling its future use.
Joint Development: real estate development that is closely linked to public transportation services and stations and relies to a considerable extent on the market and locational advantages provided by the transit facility.
Capital Improvement Program: a program for the multi-year budgeting of capital improvement expenditures, typically for a five year period.
Commuter Rail Service on FEC Corridor (potential): the FEC corridor is closer to many downtown areas but without commuter service.
Regulatory Tools/Incentives
Streamlining Development Review and Permit Processes
Intensified Code Enforcement: a tool to help prevent the further deterioration of an area.
Overlay Zoning: zoning which applies a common set of regulations and standards to a designated area that may cut across several different preexisting conventional zoning districts.
Performance Zoning: a zone defined by a list of permitted impacts as opposed to a list of permitted uses.
Incentive Zoning: under incentive zoning, a developer may be encouraged to erect a building in a way that is not usually permitted in that district under the community's zoning ordinance in exchange for providing certain amenities.
Inclusionary Zoning: designed to ensure the inclusion of very low, low, and moderate income housing within a given political jurisdiction.
Mixed-use Zoning: combination of different land uses on the same or adjacent lots or within the same building or complex.
Planned Unit Development: a device that allows a development to be planned and built as a unit.
Form District (potential): determine the "form" or "pattern" of development within a community and to design districts which conform to those patterns or to create new forms within a community.
Transit Oriented Development: an approach that emphasizes securing a high density level, combining a mix of uses, utilizing a hierarchy of streets and designing at a human scale to maximize the potential for transit use within a community.
Traditional Neighborhood Development: similar to TOD and gives additional emphases on integrating civic uses (e.g. community center, church) and open space into the development.
Unified Development Code (potential): a land use ordinance that combines the provisions of ordinarily separate zoning and subdivision ordinances.
Chapter 380 Regional Activity Center: a compact, high density multi-use area designated as appropriate for intensive growth by the local government of jurisdiction.
Regional Development District: a geographic area specifically designated as highly suitable for increased threshold intensity in the approved local comprehensive plan and the applicable strategic regional policy plan.
Transportation Concurrency Exception Area: an area within which local government grants an exception from the concurrency requirement for transportation facilities.
Areawide or Downtown Development of Regional Impacts: two alternative forms to the standard DRI process in addressing generally large areas or the downtown areas.
Financial Tools/Incentives
Incentives to Lending Institutions: the need for incentives to lending institutions have been mentioned throughout the Eastward Ho! discussions.
Enterprise Zone: a specific geographical area with a set of policies designed to encourage local businesses to take advantage of tax incentives and other public assistance with the hope of generating investment that leads to employment growth.
Enterprise Communities and Empowerment Zones: encourage investment in designated distressed areas by providing a combination of direct grants, tax incentives and priority consideration for flexibility in the use of funds.
Tax Increment Financing: a method of funding public investment in an area slated for redevelopment by recapturing, for a set time, all or a portion of the increased tax revenue that may result if the redevelopment stimulates private investment.
Below-market-rate Financing: offering construction or permanent financing at below-market-interest rates can be effective in attracting developers and home purchasers.
Tax Base Sharing (potential): a mechanism through which fiscal benefits of growth within a metropolitan area can be shared by all residents regardless of where the actual development occurs.
Preferential Taxation: the use of tax credits or deductions as incentives for preserving or creating socially desired land uses.
Fee Reduction or Waivers: reductions of permit or impact fees for infill/redevelopment projects.
Funding for School Improvements
Community Development Block Program (CDBG): financing programs for both commercial and residential rehabilitation, construction of infill-housing and infrastructure improvements in areas predominantly with low and moderate income residents.
State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP): provision of financial and technical assistance for the creation and preservation of affordable housing.
HOME Investment Partnership Program: offers similar types of assistance as SHIP to both for-profit and nonprofit developers, as well as individual homeowners.
Institutional Tools
Community Redevelopment Agency: an entity created by a county or municipality to carry out redevelopment function (Sec 163.356, F.S.).
Land Assembly Entities (potential): entities which can acquire land through foreclosure or donation, purchase sites needed to aggregate larger tracts, and dispose of land to developers and community groups.
Community Financing Consortium: an entity which is made up of a number of financing institutions working together.
Neighborhood Improvement District: an area defined in Sec 163.503, F.S. where there is a plan to reduce crime through the implementation of environmental design, environmental security, or defensible space techniques for crime prevention.
Special Assessment District: a geographical area within which the special levy against property to finance specific capital improvements is spread.
Transportation Management Association: an entity which is formed by organizations within a specific area to address primarily transportation issues for their employees.
Regional Transit Authority (potential): an authority which could have any combination of the authority regarding funding, planning, or operation of the regional transit systems.
Community Development Tools
Expanded University Small Business Assistance Programs: providing expanded university small business assistance programs will help to nurture and retain small business within the Corridor.
Community Policing: includes community activities to assist the delivery of policing programs.
Community Leadership Training: an important part of the overall community capacity building effort.
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This page and all contents prepared by the South Florida Regional Planning Council.
Updated on Jan. 10, 1997