In 1986, a new comprehensive plan and corresponding land development regulations were approved for Monroe County. In 1991, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners ratified the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan (the Plan) and revised it in 1993 following several legal challenges. Ongoing legal proceedings prompted a 1995 Final Order and Recommendation by the Hearing Officer resulting in further revisions and final adoption of the Plan in 1996. During the final revision of the Plan, a "carrying capacity approach" to growth management was adopted, known as the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS). The FKCCS is designed to help determine the ability of the Florida Keys ecosystem, and the various segments thereof, to withstand all impacts of additional land development activities.
FKCCS Implementation Work Group
The SFRPC is assisting the DCA in a series of discussions focused around the FKCCS and its implementation and incorporation into the planning processes of Monroe County's local governments. The SFRPC is providing logistical support, assistance in process and meeting design, agenda development, facilitation, and in developing policies and strategies for the implementation of the FKCCS.
FKCCS Model and Routine Planning Tool
The FKCCS has two computer-based components, the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Impact/Analysis Assessment Model (CCIAM) and the Routine Planning Tool (RPT). The CCIAM and RPT were developed to help understand the impact of additional development in the Florida Keys and to plan the future of Monroe County. The SFRPC is committed to housing, maintaining and running simulations on the model as well as making the RPT available to the public.
The RPT is now available on a trial basis while undergoing testing. Click here to access the Routine Planning Tool Map Server.
Documents available for download
FKCCIAM Model and Routine Planning Tool Maintenance Manual (1.0MB PDF)
Draft Final Report
Sample FKCCIAM Model Output Contacts South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC) South Florida Regional Planning Council (SFRPC)
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